It is the responsibility of this Council to familiarize itself with the corporate structure of the parish. It works in the administration of parish resources of contributions, personnel, fund raising, properties, parish investments, cemetery and insurance programs. It is responsible for preparing an annual budget and evaluating its implementation. The Council is responsible for the physical condition of the parish properties. It recommends repair, proper upkeep and improvements and implements those recommendations. The council is comprised of the Pastor, trustees, at-large appointed members and the buildings and grounds resource person. The Council meets every other month.
The Pastoral Council is a consultative body of the parish community for the definition of mission and goals, for setting priorities, for the determination of policies, and for the implementation of parish programs. The Council consists of selected members and two elected Trustees, as well as one representative from each of the following: Worship, Christian Action, Welcoming and Activity Committees; and Finance Council. Written reports from the School, Religious Education and Youth Ministry are submitted for review monthly. The Pastor and Deacon are ex-officio members. The Council meets every other month and parishioners are welcome at all meetings.
The Christian Action Committee works on a variety of social outreach projects such as the Christmas Giving Tree, greeting cards for prisoners, Back-to-School collections, monthly food drives, and participates in other activities within the parish and community as needed.
This Committee shares with the pastor the responsibility of providing good liturgical celebrations. It does this by establishing, developing and implementing programs aimed at meeting the spiritual needs of the parish, the family, the individual an the community.
This committee works with welcoming new members/families to the parish. They coordinate the Baptism Tree, new parishioner board, the new parishioner welcoming event, and Juice and Coffee after Masses.
"We are called to defend and safeguard human life, especially in the mother's womb, in infancy, old age and physical or mental disability." -- Pope Francis
The mission of OLOL Respect Life Ministry is to acknowledge and respect all human life from the moment of conception until natural death. Life is precious, a gift from God. As members of this Ministry, we try to educate our parish family and especially our children so they realize that we are made in the image of God and because we have received this gift, we have a responsibility toward God, ourselves, and others to protect and nurture human life at every stage of its existence.