If an elderly person, a shut in, a sick person, or someone unable to attend Mass would like the Eucharist brought to him or her, please call the Parish Office to make arrangements.
We encourage you to let us know if there is a change in your residence. Nursing homes and assisted living facilities do not notify the parish when a new resident arrives. Your parish is happy to support your spiritual needs as you transition to a new home or care facility.
Volunteers knit or crochet a shawl for persons who are dealing with illness, undergoing medical treatment, death of a loved one, divorce…. It could be given for a marriage, anniversary, birth or adoption of a baby. Caps are also knit or crocheted for infants being Baptized. As the shawl or cap is created, prayers are said for the person who will receive it. When completed, shawls and caps are brought to a monthly meetings and each minister prays over the shawl. Father Jim will then blesses them. Members of the parish Pastoral Team distribute the shawls and caps to the appropriate recipients. For more information, please contact the Parish Office.
The Meals Ministry is a network of people who are willing to occasionally provide a meal for people and families who are coming home from the hospital, receiving treatments as out patients, ill at home, grieving, or need a break from the care taking demands of a special needs child, sibling or parent. The parish also provides a monthly meal to Freedom House. Call the Parish Office for further information.
This is a way of providing a one-on-one support and a listening presence to persons going through a time of transition, difficulty, grief or change in their lives. It can also be a means of companionship, especially for our people who are home-bound or in care facilities. The goal is to be as responsive to our people as we can possibly be. If interested, please call the Parish Office at (920) 336-4033.
Do you like to make cards? We are starting a new Card Ministry called Lifting Up Lourdes! We would like to lift up those that may be needing a boost or lots of smiles! Our mission will be to fill up their mailboxes with lots of support. You can join our flocknote group here or email [email protected] to join or with any questions.
We are also in search of names of those who would benefit from receiving our cards. If you know someone who would enjoy a full mailbox of fun and would feel comfortable sharing their address with us, we will take care of the rest! Please email at the above address as well.
Our Lady of Lourdes' Quilters Group has moved. Please contact Sally Driscoll for more information at 920-366-2416.